Welcome to the 9th EU funded Marine Robotics and Applications Workshop (EMRA ’2023)
We are pleased to invite you to attend the EMRA Workshop that will take place from 20-21 June 2023 in Croatia at the St John’s Fortress, Šibenik, Croatia.
Following the long-standing success of EMRA and the return to in-person in 2022 in Southampton, UK, we hereby invite researchers and end-users of marine robotics technology to attend EMRA´2023. The workshop will summarize current EU H2020 and Horizon Europe projects on marine robotics and provide a platform for marine stakeholders to share and discuss current technological challenges and achievements.
The workshop will feature invited plenary sessions, a roundtable, the presentation of the latest results of H2020 and Horizon Europe marine robotics related projects and the always motivating sessions of industry focused on the latest innovations and products in the market.
Registration and programme updates will be posted in the following couple of weeks.
This edition of EMRA is supported by the following EU funded actions: InnovaMare, MARBLE, MONUSEN, SeaTecHub, UWIN-LABUST.
We look forward to welcoming you in Šibenik very soon.
The organizing committee